Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Interest Form
Do you love to work with children? Do you have a passion for STEM? Do you need community service hours? Do you want a flexible volunteer schedule? Are you seeking leadership opportunities? We would love to have you as a volunteer!
STEMup4Youth serves underserved children around our community on a weekly basis. Volunteering dates are totally flexible and designed to fit your schedule! Join us for some fun!
Volunteering Awards:
Volunteers can earn many awards from the President's Volunteer Service Award, Congressional Award, STEMup4Youth Leadership Award, and even more!
To find out more click here!
Current Positions Open:
Assistant STEM Instructor/STEM Instructor - Lead fun, hands-on STEM activities/stations for a small group of children, no experience required.
Lead STEM Instructor - Lead an entire program. Experience and/or training required.
Chapter President - We are seeking exceptional leaders to start chapters in their area.
Secretary Assistant, Event Assistant, Curriculum Assistant, Design Assistant, Talent Acquisition Assistant, Onboarding Assistant, Volunteer Recognition Assistant, Webmaster Assistant, Marketing & Communication Assistant, Fundraising Assistant.
Leadership & advancement opportunities